What should I do with eczema? How to treat it? How to live with it?
Well, I was born with eczema. I don,t have any memories of having a healthier skin in my childhood. To be honest when i'm younger, I thought eczema will be vanished and cured when I reach adulthood. But. It's never happened. And I believe It won't happened.
There's is no treatment to heal eczema permanently. I have tried everything, in and out from clinic to the hospital but the doctors gave me the same medicine, same pills and lotion which only slow down the irritation.
To be honest, until today I still live with eczema. But now I know how handle it and what kind of products can heal 80% of my skin.
Okay let me straight to the point
Did you realize actually your surrounding will effect your skin? Well it actually does.
The first thing that I find out is our shower cream. Yes, the soap that we used.
If you use antibacterial body wash, protection from gems and antiseptic soap. Please STOP USING IT!
This product is actually good for people with a normal skin but not with people having an eczema or sensitive skin because it will make your skin DRIER which will lead to RASHES and IRRITATION. These are some of the popular brand.

So what kind of product should we buy then?
I would suggest any soap or body wash that didn't claim they are ANTIBACTERIAL BODY WASH on the bottle. For instance, Shokubutsu Orange and Seaweed Body Foam. This is my favorite body wash due to its fresh orange fragrance.
Secondly, make sure your surrounding is CLEAN. Always clean your bed sheets, your room and your workplace, do laundry and STAY AWAY FROM DUSTY PLACE.
Last but not least, I will apply Murozin Oitnment on my affected skin before off to bed. You can purchase this ointment in the nearest pharmacy.
So this is my skin condition after revamp my daily skin routine. Its getting better and my skin are not itchy at all. I promise you guys its gonna work. I'm not saying this routine will 100% cure the eczema but I believe it will slow down the irritation and make your life happier.
I really hope this post gonna be beneficial for you guys.
Thank you for reading this entry.