Today I hangout with my frenz at Subang Parade. Actually we planned to watch one of our frenz performance something like musical for the Shop for your school competition...But, I miss it ..
Here the story begin..
Saturday is not holiday for me bcoz there is school. actually its kinda koko..ya, it is koko..i mean co-curriculum..
It was kinda fun today bcoz many students absent... So i can play handball which is I havent played it since I enter this game..
Owh YEAHHH today attandence is 15 over 50...Can u guys imagine it..HUUU..I was totally happy.. 2day is my 1st happeist day since Im in F5...Daaaaa...
Then around 2pm..we(my family) bertolak from our house to s.parade..but then my dad nak lunch dulu..I was just agreed with him bcoz the performance gonna start about 3pm..
after lunch, i pick E(one of my Frenz) then da sampai kat sana ssh plak nk cari parking...and my other frens plak msg and said "u miss it"...arggghhh...benci tol..but whatever...nk bwat mcm manakan..da x de rezeki..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
aduh, skang kat sklh...byk tol assignments ict yg kena aku betulkan..benci tol la...haha lps ni nak singgah g taipan, aku n my fren nk singgah kat starbucks... ingat nak beli hadiah botol air utk kwm aku yg da tua setahun dr aku hr ni...haha, pokai la plak kang...da la nx wk bday org lain plak..
hr sab2 ni as usual ada rasa mls la plak...ptg 2 plak ingat nk g s.parade, nk sokong my fren yg join competition shop 4 ur school...haha, sklh aku ni nk bwat kiranya cmption antara sklh aku g sane cume nk sokong my fren je...hehe, bwat banner utk dia sorang je..huahua..
hr sab2 ni as usual ada rasa mls la plak...ptg 2 plak ingat nk g s.parade, nk sokong my fren yg join competition shop 4 ur school...haha, sklh aku ni nk bwat kiranya cmption antara sklh aku g sane cume nk sokong my fren je...hehe, bwat banner utk dia sorang je..huahua..
Monday, June 8, 2009
Brownies tak menjadi
mesti ramai dlm kalangan remaja perempuan yg suke i right? say yay if u agree with me...haha, walaupon x dpt dgr suara korang..apelah aku ni..=?
okay hari ni aku buat kek...haha my first kek...actually dulu pernahlah buat kek batik tp 2 tak main la sb kek 2 tak bakar...Yg aku buat hr ni lah my 1st time buat kek secara membakar...
During this school holiday, aku da buat beberapa jenis cookies tp 1 je yg menjadi...
-Oatmeal cookies(ni la my 1st cookies yg sedappp..boleh dikatakan superb la)
-Honey cookies [rasa die sedap tp bentuk die buruk..leper je..hahaha]
-Choco ball (ni mmg x sdp n bentuk die pon buruk gle...)
-Butter cookies [ yg ni ok cume aku terletak lebih gula...2 yg manis sgt]
-Brownies (ni la kek yg aku buat hr ni tp terlalu keras...hehe, kiranya x sedap jgk la)
Buat kek brownies ni mmg byk tol cabaran..Mula2, pengayak tepung hilang..then masa nk buat topping die lak aku da buat rumah aku berasap..haha, cooking chocolate die hangus...cara buatnye kena cairkan cooking chocolate scra double 2 la mslhnya, aku x tau double boil 2 ape..2 yg chocolate 2 hangus...berasap 1 rumah...
huh, mencabar tol..akhirnya ak
tp 2 la yg aku mls nak jalan..haha, topping die aku main sumbat je letak milo, fresh milk, butter, cocoa, sugar, whipping cream and chocolate emulco..sukatan die pon aku main letak je..secubit..sesudu..setitik..sampai la jd topping versi aku...haha...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Manusia oh manusia
Hello hello hello there. Its 9.06 pm right now n I have some great story to share with u guys...for me it is great but maybe u guys disagreed with me..but im OK with that...Its natural right that everyone have different opinion...=)
Ok today is Sunday and my family and I (except my twins brother) BALIK KAMPUNG which is at N9. But i can't spend my time there during this holiday because of lots lots lots lots and lots of assignment that i need to co
completes before school open...
My story is about human being attitudes. Actually after spend time with my beloved UWAN (grandma). We all called her UWAN...some person call their grandma NENEK or OPAH...Yea this is Malaysia...there is different types of languages in this country...
Okay sambung balik, after spending time with our uwan we departed for UIA (my sis punye Universiti) at 4.30pm. It took about 2 hours to arrived at UIA because of jam along our journey...and the most part that I hate about some of MALAYSIAN are they use emergency lane just because of jam...
Why there r soooo selfish...How if someone that really really need to use the emergency lane...Someone that involved in accident and need to hurry aid to the nearest hospital....
and tau x jam tu hanya disebabkan sebuah kereta rosak..
I still remember my dad words..."satu kereta je rosak, tp jam panjang berjela-jela." Haii, kenapa lah rakyat malaysia ni nak sgt tgk apa yg jd so dia orang slow down kereta n akibatnya wujud lah 'jam'..
Nasib baiklah still sempat nak solat asar kat UIA...fuhh...I really hate jam n i will try to avoid the jam when i get my license...hahaha, nx year im gonna take driving lessons...ermmmm x sabar pon takut plak kalau x dpt nak drive smoothly @pon x pass exam die...
Hello hello hello there. Its 9.06 pm right now n I have some great story to share with u guys...for me it is great but maybe u guys disagreed with me..but im OK with that...Its natural right that everyone have different opinion...=)
Ok today is Sunday and my family and I (except my twins brother) BALIK KAMPUNG which is at N9. But i can't spend my time there during this holiday because of lots lots lots lots and lots of assignment that i need to co

My story is about human being attitudes. Actually after spend time with my beloved UWAN (grandma). We all called her UWAN...some person call their grandma NENEK or OPAH...Yea this is Malaysia...there is different types of languages in this country...
Okay sambung balik, after spending time with our uwan we departed for UIA (my sis punye Universiti) at 4.30pm. It took about 2 hours to arrived at UIA because of jam along our journey...and the most part that I hate about some of MALAYSIAN are they use emergency lane just because of jam...
Why there r soooo selfish...How if someone that really really need to use the emergency lane...Someone that involved in accident and need to hurry aid to the nearest hospital....
and tau x jam tu hanya disebabkan sebuah kereta rosak..
I still remember my dad words..."satu kereta je rosak, tp jam panjang berjela-jela." Haii, kenapa lah rakyat malaysia ni nak sgt tgk apa yg jd so dia orang slow down kereta n akibatnya wujud lah 'jam'..
Nasib baiklah still sempat nak solat asar kat UIA...fuhh...I really hate jam n i will try to avoid the jam when i get my license...hahaha, nx year im gonna take driving lessons...ermmmm x sabar pon takut plak kalau x dpt nak drive smoothly @pon x pass exam die...
Friday, June 5, 2009
This is me
Hello there, I'm 16 going to 17 this October.I'm in Form 5 right now and as usual all Form 5 students in this country(Malaysia) compulsory to participate in examination named SPM.
It is the beginning of my life, your life, every teens out there. I'm nervous. Seriously I'm not really really ready yet to see the world and to be independent. At this age, it's old enough to be independent of one's parents. Yeah, I agreed with that because we can free, not dependent on other people and not controlled by parents.
Of course I can hang out with my friends anywhere and anytime without any disturbance. No lecture from parents when I'm home. But first i really need to pass the exam with flying colours to achieve my dream, my career which is to be a photographer or a businesswomen. I hope that i will success in everything that i do.

Aku memang suka tengok permandangan mcm kat atas ni...It's natural. Cantik sangat n klu time waktu malam lg cantik kalau ada bulan penuh dihiasi dengan bintang-bintang yang berkelipan dan berkemungkinan besar ada buruj di langit. Aduhai, indah sungguh khazanah alam ciptaan tuhan Yang Maha Esa ini.
Hmm, actually skrang ni aku tgh try buat novel. Just try la, manela tau kot2 dpt diterbitkan. Tapi setakat ni aku still x habis buat chapter 1. Crita ni cerita cinta. Kiranya mcm cinta monyet lah sb watak dlm novel ni still students. Tak tahulah nak bg tajuk ape..Belum pikir lagi..
It is the beginning of my life, your life, every teens out there. I'm nervous. Seriously I'm not really really ready yet to see the world and to be independent. At this age, it's old enough to be independent of one's parents. Yeah, I agreed with that because we can free, not dependent on other people and not controlled by parents.
Of course I can hang out with my friends anywhere and anytime without any disturbance. No lecture from parents when I'm home. But first i really need to pass the exam with flying colours to achieve my dream, my career which is to be a photographer or a businesswomen. I hope that i will success in everything that i do.
Aku memang suka tengok permandangan mcm kat atas ni...It's natural. Cantik sangat n klu time waktu malam lg cantik kalau ada bulan penuh dihiasi dengan bintang-bintang yang berkelipan dan berkemungkinan besar ada buruj di langit. Aduhai, indah sungguh khazanah alam ciptaan tuhan Yang Maha Esa ini.
Hmm, actually skrang ni aku tgh try buat novel. Just try la, manela tau kot2 dpt diterbitkan. Tapi setakat ni aku still x habis buat chapter 1. Crita ni cerita cinta. Kiranya mcm cinta monyet lah sb watak dlm novel ni still students. Tak tahulah nak bg tajuk ape..Belum pikir lagi..
I'm new here!
Assalamualaikum, hello, hye, konnichiwa...
saya baru je create this blog. This is my 1st time having a blog.
huhu, tak tau la plak nak tulis ape ni...Hmm, nak crite la sket pasal diri sendiri. Nak buat karangan jenis cerita lah kalau mcm ni...
Pada tahun lepas, aku dan rakan-rakan sekolahku mengikuti satu perkemahan yang dianjurkan oleh pihak sekolah yang dikenali sebagai Kem Perdana. Perkemahan tersebut dilakukan di luar kawasan sekolah. Destinasi kami ialah Sungai Gahal yang terletak di hulu negeri Selangor(agaknyalah, x sure..hehe).
Kat sana best sgt..Ada byk gile aktiviti n the most interesting about this camping is because there's a HOT, HOTTER and HOTTEST facilitators..(Opps ni da bkn karangan jenis cerita ni)..Hehe, whateverla...Mls la plak nak cite lg...Internet connection ni plak sekejap ok, sekejap x...Ish..benci tul..
Haha, kat bwh ni nmpk klaka btol la...actually ktrg kena lompat bintang utk senaman pagi..
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