Sunday, December 22, 2013



Alhamdulillah aku masih diberi peluang untuk bernafas hari manfaatkn hari2 yg masih ada dgn org2 yg dikasihi..ececeh ayat...

ok waktu kecik2 mesti dh blaja ni:
jgn menilai orang berdasarkn luaran dia je..atau dlm bhsa mat salleh nye..don't judge the book by its cover..

so jgn lah tengok seseorang tu dari cara pemakaian, percakapan and berdasarkn fizikal je..
sb fizikal tak akan menunjukkn semua tp setakat 3/4 je tentang orang tu...

ok happy saturday...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My 4 wheel trolley case


Mgu ni busy sgt sb kna start dah buat proposal..ada lab report berlonggok mcm setimbun baju kotor yg tak basuh 2 minggu...hahaha..tup2 ada plak lecturer bg assignment last min..konklusinye cuti raya haji ni xboleh nk enjoy sgtlah..

huuu journal2 yg betingkat-tingkat...sambil2 tu mkn dark chocolate and baca buku by peter jones..hahaha klu stress skit2 tu mula lah mkn and sentuh skit buku ni..nk ceriakn xde org yg boleh ceriakn hidup aku ni selain diri sndri...cehh konon..padahal buku ni berkurun beli masa pki voucher  1Malaysia tu..borong buku sana sini tp buat hiasan tetiba tergerak hati nk baca buku sb jeles tgk adik aku dok baca buku english tebal2..hehehe

so hr ni plan nk buat passport tp xsempat sb no giliran dah habis..hehe smlm dtg dah dgn bangga nya tp lupe bwk ic..aihh mcm2 ape lg, gi jalan2 la kat Subang Parade and aku bli beg roda..teheee mmg plan nk bli pun..skrg bru tercapai...amik 4 wheel punya sb mcm best tgk org dok sorong luggage cmtu kat airport..rsa mcm syok n ringan je..haha lgpn dah ada 2 wheel sje lah kn bli yg lain skit ..usha2 ada satu ni besttt sgt..brand delsey..bila bwk tu rasa cool je and plg penting dia agak stabil..color merah and design harga die..umph xmampu eden... 

so pusing sana sini berkenan skit lah  dgn hush puppies light weight..(sb still mengidam delsey tu)..nangis pliss

tp bila pikir balik..ok lah jgk yg ni..tauke tu kate weight dia half kg je..hmm menipu sgt..balik rmh, timbang dia 2 kg kottt...xpe lah apek..2kg pn xpe asalkan muat nk sumbat brg..
     skrg dia dah ada geng..hehehe..

mood: nak jadi rajin utk 1 minggu ni...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Hari ni godek2 blog..tiba2 nmpk ada giveaway dari Nisa Kay
Kali ni nak join!!
hihi nak hilang kn stress praktikal and proposal...
mana lah tau ada rezeki...


P/s: Kak Nisa hr tu sy nmpk kak kat Alor Star..cantik =)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadhan Tiba


Alhamdulillah Ramadhan tiba lagi dan Allah masih beri peluang untuk aku bernafas...selamat berpuasa semua..

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sedar setiap ujian ada hikmahnya


Situasi 1:

Tasya : kak nama apa?
Aku : Ina
Tasya : kak nk pergi mana?
Aku: nak balik rumah..mak adik mana?
Tasya: tu haa tgh masak
Aku: Oh mak adik berniaga lah ni.. adik brapa tahun ni
Tasya: 5 tahun
Aku: Sekolah dah ke?
Tasya: Tadika sri kemas

"Kak tahu tak, hari tu tasya terlelap..naik tasya peluk mak kuat2..tiba2 je dah smpi rumah...haaa tasya pegang kuat2 tau..."

setiap seorang yang ada dalam surau ni dia interview..bila aku borak2 dgn orang2 yg dah lama knl tasya, aku baru tahu yg tasya ni rupanya anak yatim..

Tasya, ayh mana?
Tasya : accident..

Tasya sgt comel dan byk ckp..dia baru 5tahun tp tak dpt kasih syg seorang ayah...jadi kita yg ada ibu dan ayah ni perlulah syg mereka seadanya...
ini kira peringatan utk diri sendiri jugaklah...hehe
moga Allah permudahkn urusan keluarga Tasya..

kadang2 aku rasa aku tak dpt nak terima ujian yg Allah setiap kali kita berada dlm kesusahan, kita perlu ingat ada org lain yg lagi ssh dr kita..

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dilemma : Internship

Don't look back 
because you will found out how silly you are

 Look forward for a brighter future
every decisions is in your hand
so decide wisely 
then you will not regret it

Mood: dilemma

what should i do? I've applied 6 company for internship but none of them gave me a good feedback..
Now i'm in dilemma..One of my friend is being accepted in food lab at kangar but he choose another company that is nearby to his my lecturer willingly change his name to mine... Everything went smoothly but here come the problems...
1. It will be on Ramadhan...Of course lah I want to fast with my families...I don't have to think what to buy or eat during sahur and berbuka...wehee =)

2. I don't hve any transportation to kangar.. I can't even ride a motorcycle..and I don't have any meh?? should I take a license?? 

3. Any house or room for rent?? I really need it since i'm living in hostel right now...

4. My parents are moving...If I'm not mistaken, it will be today..oh yeah IT IS TODAY.. and this time I get a room...huhu so i don't have to share with my i dont have time to go back home and decorate my room..kemas barang..baju2 and so on..

5. It will be 4 months I live in Perlis...4 months !!  Oh my..its too long..I can't bear with it..

6. My last paper is on 14th July..and the best part is my internship will be start on the day after which is 15th and ends the same time for semester break...
Last paper : 14 July
Internship : 15 July - 8 Sept
Next semester start on 9 Sept

Ohh so delicious =( 
no break for me..
should i extend another one semester just for internship or just accept to live in Perlis for the whole Ramadhan..
oh nooo :O 

Mood : tonight -->  Istikharah

Saturday, May 18, 2013

IF Campaign - Global hunger crisis


Okay hari ni godek2 kat youtube terjumpa lah satu video ni yg agak menarik perhatian aku...

please watch this first ;)

so how was it?
Don't you feel fortunate because we can still eat rice twice or more daily?
for breakfast they only had a black tea..

and lunch they ate cassava, a combination of flour and water that is heated..oh my they are lack of nutrition...
and only if they are lucky, they will have a dinner.. 

How could they survive?
Two hundred and sixty kids are dead due to hunger every hour!

The issues due to taxes in poor countries by a big company..
the farmers are being forced off..
they should use the crops to feed their family..not for fuel cars!

I want to sign up for this campaign petition..but its only for UK's this is all I can do..spread the news!
I will support you guys!!

Oh the BIG event will be on 8th June at Hyde Park, London..
Anyone around the region, please participate on behalf of me..=D

For more information, click here Enough Food for Everyone IF Campaign 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Unexpected Gift


Hari ni ada prkara tjadi kat hostel..
lari ke bilik study tak boleh..nak ke bilik kwn pn mcm x selamat..
ia memaksa sy keluar dgn segera dan study kat library..
huuu peluh membasahi pipi..
kemudian melangkah ke kelas..
mengantuk pulak...hahaha
nasib kelas hbs awal..
sambil menunggu waktu berbuka...
on9 dulu and and tak sangka mjadi slh seorang pemenang peraduan
LINE dolls 

Salah satu dolls LINE jadi milik saya..Yay!!
Tq kak Nisa Kay

Thursday, March 7, 2013



Said Ibnu Al-Musayyab berkata :
setiap kali syaitan berputus a sa meganggu seseorang, maka ia akan melancarkan gangguannya melalui wanita.

Imam Muslim dalam shahihnya meriwayatkan sebuah hadis daripada Ibn Al-Zubair, bahawasanya Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud :
Sesungguhnya wanita itu ketika datang dari depan, dia datang dalam bentuk syaitan dan ketika pergi (membelakang tubuhnya) dia memperlihatkan bentuk syaitan pula.

Jadi apa yang saya faham, kita sebagai wanita kenalah jaga diri dengan baik...

Friday, March 1, 2013

a e i o u

I can't read, only spell 
I ain't sing, just humming
I don't talk, but speak
I barely walk, over on track
I hate food, still eat a lot
I don't like animals, love wild life species
I want a horse, ride like a racer
I might blank, think of it
I close my heart, just for the one
I am spacious, in my mind
I just typed, spontaneously

Action speaks louder than words...
so just ignore my words...k bye ;)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cinta dari Syurga ke?


wahh bukan main tajuk cinta cintun pulak kali ni...
tp bknye nak cerita pasal cinta..just nak share satu cerita yg bagi aku sgt sadis sekali T_T...
memang tak sangka aku menangis tgk cerita ni...
selalunya aku xkn menagis klu tgk ramai2...

huuu byk sgt pengorbanan si isteri untuk si suami yg x reti nak bersyukur tu..
rasa si isteri ni sgt kuat and tabah..
klu aku kat tempat dia, mgkn aku xsekuat dia...

geram pun ade!
dpt laki yg tak berhati perut mcm tuh...

nak tahu..
jom layan....

Friday, February 8, 2013

Kentang Day!


Heee yesterday and today have been a kentang days...
Sb aku masuk dapur(masak) and the main ingredients is kentang..
hehe since aku ni peminat setia kentang so time free mcm ni lah terasa nak makan kentang buatan sendiri...maka inilah hasilnya :)

 Lasagna versi kentang..hehe tak ingat lah nama masakan ni...

 Salad kentang, kentang goreng and kentang goreng bercheeseeeee =P

Monday, February 4, 2013

Strawberry yogurt on my arms


My lotion's collection...Anyone have more than these??
Well actually the truth is.....
the last picture... ;)

My hands quite dry and need a moisturizer to overcome I used to lotion since lil and  I often go to see a doctor because I have allergic and it affects my skin..tons of clinics I have entered..Okay that sounds exaggerated huh..Just a few clinics and one hospital...
Most of the doctor advice me to avoid egg and sea-foods and anything that will cause my mom will cook other dish with NO SEAFOOD special just for me..That makes me an anti-seafood except fish but sometimes I ate crabs Oh my so deliciousco ^_^...and then my skin will be itchy itchy and itchy non-stop T_T...

The doctor from the hospital gave me these and a few cream and pill medicine..If I'm not mistaken that time I'm a High School girl..can't remember exactly the year...but that is the peak legs getting worst..All over my fingers in each inch of legs there will be the eww fungal or what..I don't know???...I can't walk properly and performed prayer bcoz it hurts when I move..And that time I thought that will be the last day I walk with my legs...The doctor will cut my legs, If not it will spread to other parts of my body and I will be one of the OKU...Oh my when I think about it now..I'm such a silly girl...very drama and berangan lebih je...

Well well well you must be curious why a yogurt on my arms instead of in my mouth
This is it...
Strawberry Yogurt Hand Cream!

I saw this in SASA at Queensbay Mall with RM9.99 :O....and I love the yogurt smell but still bekira-kira nak beli ke tak nak that time...dilemma that time and I just walkaway...
Now, semester break and I'm home...yay!
Recently leisured at Sunway with my sistah..enter the SASA and and an n nd end........

I found this with the same price..RM9.99 :O....this time I don't think twice..just GRAB & GO....don't get me wrong okay go to the cashier..not stealing... ^_^

these are mine...and plus the strawberry yogurt... ;)
uhh I'm addicted to lotion now...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We should to be like this!


First : Watch the video..

Second : Prepare your alarm clock!

Lastly : Practice and consistent..Istiqamah ye...

InsyaAllah u can face everything on that day smoothly..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


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Jangan minum air berais....


Air sejuk yg berais mmg sedap, lagi2 lps better minum air sejuk tanpa ais, lg elok untuk badan..drpd minum air yg berais lepas jog nt cepat dahaga...
Lagi satu, dont ever do this..minum air sejuk yg berais time period...Oh my dah lah yg sejuk berais ketul-ketul and manis pulak tuh..aduhhh..bru je kene td..sakit perot sgt sgt...mmg menggandakan lagilah rasa segugut tuh...menyesal...knp lah x order air suam je td...huhu..klu time segugut ni tuam perut dengan benda panas..lega kot mcm sauna..hehe pdhl xmerasa sauna pon lg...klu ade losyen 
mustajab pon kira ok lah jugak...k thats all..

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Hari tu pergi kem kat gopeng Perak ye....syok sgt ada byk aktiviti..water tubing, waterfall abseiling..dpt mkn durian plak tuh..kat tmpt ni kira byk gila pokok durian..bkn tmpt ni je..area kg tu  pon byk gile buah..kira musim durian le time tuh...rambutan merah menyala...kuning...buah cempedak...ummph
 macam-macam ada...

Ok waterfall abseiling ni i loike sgt sgt tau..mencabar btol la dgn rasa excited and at the same time gayat tetiba dtg..oh my mcm mana la xgayat..dah la slippery and air yg deras jatuh atas kpla plak tu..bila nk turun ni rasa mcm oh aku boley buat ke ni..mcm mane klu terjatuh?? 
Dgn keadaan kasut yg nazak plak tu..mcm mane klu terhempap kat dinding tu? terpengsan ke..sape nk tlg..haha semua tu dpt jgk diatasi..nasib baik dpt turun dgn selamat wlpn xla smooth sgt aku trn...trn mcm takut2 jgk..gigil kaki tau..badan plak kna 90 degree kn, mmg sakit blakang la..bila dah trn bwh tu..fuhh terasa lega dpt berdiri dgn tegak..bru sedar nikmat berdiri... =)

Inilah die kasut yg nazak tu..sepnjg kem ni mmg ssh aku nk bergerak..lagi2 aktiviti atas air...sobs semua aku harungi dgn tabah..ececeh..

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Teman dalam kenangan


Hari tu pergilah jenjalan dgn member dip..itu pon tgl seketul dua je yg still kat sini..hmm tetiba rindu pulak zaman diploma dulu..rasa best sgt and laen sgt dgn degree's life ni..huh......
Byk sgt kenangan ketawa bersama, menangis bersama...semua dgn perangai yg macam-macam...seronok sgt..x sangka masa berlalu dgn time jenjalan tu ada la jgk lalu dpn hostel yg ktrang pernah duduk time lawatan kat penang dulu...bila lalu kat situ rasa mcm..AAAHHH...rindunye dulu...sempat lg mkn roti canai b4 bas gerak tuk balik..and ktrang plg lmbat plak time semua terpaksa tgu kami yg comel lote nih jln dgn cat walk nye bwk harta karun yg gedabak...huhu...

dulu time lawatan ada sggh jusco seberang prai..igt lg dulu mkn atas kerusi ni...

Thursday, January 3, 2013



Finals just around the corner and I had my 1st paper td xde nak around the kone kone sgt..mmg on the lane..quite rough walaupun CTU je..sotong goreng masak cili api semuaaaa sumbat dalam tu....dalam api yg sederhana..harap2 sedaplah... =)